Java Developer Tasks





Calculator Application Create a simple console-based calculator to perform basic arithmetic operations.
  • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide two numbers.
  • Display error messages for invalid input or division by zero.
  • Option to exit the application after each operation.
Core Java (basic input/output, conditional statements, loops).
To-Do List Application Develop a command-line application to manage a personal to-do list.
  • Add tasks with descriptions.
  • View all tasks.
  • Mark tasks as complete.
  • Delete tasks.
Core Java (ArrayList, loops, and basic I/O).
Simple Guessing Game Create a number guessing game where the user guesses a randomly generated number.
  • Generate a random number between 1 and 100.
  • Allow the user to guess the number.
  • Provide feedback ("Too high", "Too low") after each guess.
  • Display the total number of attempts after the correct guess.
Core Java (Random class, loops, and conditional statements).
